Debrecen Logistics and Truck Terminal 

In June 2022, Debreceni Ingatlanfejlesztő Kft. won the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) 2 Transport - Actions related to Safe and Secure Mobility - General Envelope (CEF-T-2021-SAFEMOBGEN) tender, for the development of a safe and secure truck parking facility. The aim of the project is to create a regional, centralised, cost-efficient logistics and truck terminal that will serve the BMW plant, its suppliers, urban and regional clients, the Southern Economic Zone, as well as the city’s smaller industrial parks.

All three of the city’s industrial parks are easily accessible via the M35 motorway, within a maximum of 10 minutes. Near the truck terminal, there is an intermodal rail terminal, which is also an important element of the logistics value chain. With the new customs office, truck traffic arriving for customs clearance can be diverted from the city centre. The truck terminal will have the capacity to also serve the transit traffic of the M35 motorway.
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Positive externalities for the city:

  • The use of zero-emission vehicles and the concentration of logistics tasks will significantly reduce environmental, noise, and traffic burdens: 
    • Electric trucks can serve container traffic within a 70 km radius. Long-distance transport will be supported by LNG/hydrogen refuelling options. 
    • The large-scale logistics for the supply of goods in Debrecen can be relocated to the DLKT, from where city logistics can be carried out using electric vans. 
    • With the relocation of the customs office, truck traffic arriving for customs clearance would also be concentrated here. 
  • In the event of an emergency, it can operate as a relief parking area  


Northwestern Economic Zone, unincorporated area of Debrecen, land registry plot number 0254/238.

Total area



194 ESPORG SILVER and 64 ESPORG GOLD security-rated protected truck parking spaces, created in line with EU regulations.
Facilities serving the truck parking area, along with related service facilities, driver accommodation, and sanitary containers.
Office building, customs yard and parking spaces for passenger and freight vehicles for the Hajdú-Bihar County Tax and Customs Directorate of the National Tax and Customs Administration will be developed.

DING Debrecen

CEF Truckpark


Partnerek: Debreceni Ingatlanfejlesztő Kft. (lead partner), Debreceni Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Kft.

Objective: The project will contribute to improved road safety, safe parking and related services at local level. It will also reduce freight traffic through the city and the associated environmental burden.

A CINEA Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) által finanszírozott projekt egy új, biztonságos és védett kamionparkoló kialakítását tűzi ki célul Debrecen Észak-nyugati Gazdasági Övezetében. A fejlesztés során összesen 194 db ezüst fokozatú és 64 aranyfokozatú biztonsági szintű tehergépjármű-parkolóhely létrehozására irányul. A tervezett kamionparkoló a TEN-T hálózat részét képező M35 autópálya mentén helyezkedik el, szervezesen kapcsolódva a mediterrán folyosóhoz.


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